Make America Great Again Political Action Coalition Supporting America First Policies to Make America Great Again.
Policy Statement
Non-Discrimination and Anti-Violence Policy
MAGAPAC is the nation’s premier and most influential national security grassroots advocacy organization. With over 1,000,000 members, we stand for the protection of the United States of America, and the Western values upon which our nation was built. National security issues transcend all traditional barriers and we stand as a magnet of unity for all Americans to come together, in pursuit of the inalienable rights enumerated by our founders… life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. MAGAPAC showcases the tolerant and patriotic nature of our nation through our diversity, as well as by fostering a healthy dialogue about the most critical threats facing our nation from the perspective of a variety of voices. We welcome all who share our beliefs, but require adherence to our Non-Discrimination and Anti-Violence Policy: MAGAPAC has never, and will never, tolerate any bias, discrimination, or violence against anyone, based on their religion, gender, race, or political persuasion. Freedom to practice one’s religion in peace is afforded to each of us by the U.S. Constitution and we will defend it vigorously. Anyone who traffics in prejudice, or advocates violence in any way towards anyone does not speak on behalf of MAGAPAC. Should our organization find out that such beliefs have been propagated by one of our members or anyone claiming to be associated with MAGAPAC, we will terminate any relationship with such person, group or entity, and disavow them. MAGAPAC has many volunteers who advocate on our behalf. As such, MAGAPAC cannot control the statements and representations of our members or our volunteers. MAGAPAC is not responsible for statements by any volunteer, chapter leader, employee or member who advocates a position contrary to our Official Non-Discrimination and Anti-Violence Policy. MAGAPAC reserves the right to terminate any relationship with any person, group, entity, or organization advocating a position contrary to this Policy. We will continue to work together with patriotic Americans of all beliefs and backgrounds, who stand united in this fight for the survival of our nation, the protection of the United States of America and the Western values upon which our nation was built, and the preservation of the freedom of religion and speech that we enjoy in America. It is our privilege to serve with our friends, volunteers, and fellow patriots for the cause of freedom!